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Take the 3 Minute Scorecard below to find out where you are in your 5 Steps to Freedom journey and I'll send you a custom report that will show you how you compare to businesses nationally!

Get Your Scorecard

Take the 3 Minute Scorecard below to find out where you are in your 5 Steps to Freedom journey and I'll send you a custom report that will show you how you compare to businesses nationally!

Let's crack the code to your business success! ️

Answer these 6 quick questions inspired by "The 6 Silver Bullets" and score your business's readiness for success. The higher you score, the closer you are to unlocking exclusive insights and strategies!

Forget lowering expectations, let's raise the bar together!

Comprehensive Exit Strategy

1- Lacking market-based valuation, shareholder focus, and sales efforts to qualified buyers.

5- Closely monitored by shareholders, management focused on value creation, exploring potential sale to industry buyers.

(5) Excellent/Always, (3) Fair/Sometimes, (1) Poor/Rarely.

Strategic Plan

1- Lacking a formal plan, the team struggles with unclear vision, values, and objectives, leading to inconsistent direction and top-down decision-making.

5- Comprehensive strategic plan (vision, mission, values, targets, objectives) guides operations through weekly monitoring and regular team input (quarterly minimum).

(5) Excellent/Always, (3) Fair/Sometimes, (1) Poor/Rarely.

Employee Acquisition

1- Lack of proactive multi-pronged recruitment leads to sporadic qualified candidate flow and underwhelming talent pool.

5- Dedicated manager optimizes diverse recruitment strategies, ensuring a robust pipeline of qualified candidates.

(5) Excellent/Always, (3) Fair/Sometimes, (1) Poor/Rarely.

Tactical Marketing Plan

1- Lacking a strategic marketing plan, efforts flounder. Lead flow unpredictable, conversions stagnant, revenue stuck. Ad spending a black box, managers in neutral.

5- Aggressive, data-driven marketing plan ignites predictable lead flow, conversion rate surges, and boosted transactions. Profits climb exponentially as weekly measurement and optimization refine the engine.

(5) Excellent/Always, (3) Fair/Sometimes, (1) Poor/Rarely.

Sales Management Systems

1- Lack of formal sales process and coordinated activity creates a chaotic landscape. Performance gap wider than the Grand Canyon, compensation stuck in the salary saloon. Time to wrangle in results!

5- Well-oiled sales machine: tested process, conversion rates are known, CRM sync, weekly insights, performance-driven rewards. Every click fuels growth!

(5) Excellent/Always, (3) Fair/Sometimes, (1) Poor/Rarely.

Time Management Plan

1- Shareholders and managers operate on a reactive, fire-fighting basis each day, focusing on completing urgently important tasks firsts and working on high importance items whenever they can fit them in.

5- Prioritization on autopilot: Every shareholder and manager navigates by importance compass, steering towards high-impact goals first and tackling urgent matters next.

(5) Excellent/Always, (3) Fair/Sometimes, (1) Poor/Rarely.

All Done!

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